Media, articles and awards
Media mentions

- The following links are to media mentions and interviews I have been featured in since 2016, mostly for my startup, Writally:
- Problogger Case study on Writally and my startup journey
- Article in the Brisbane Times, after #Myriadair
- Your Next Chapter Podcast Interview
- Reclaim You Podcast Interview
- I was interviewed about pitching and angel investment on Pheonix Radio:
- Writally ranked 3rd in the Anthill Smart 100, 2017
- I wrote another viral blog post for Social Media Examiner
- Writally was hunted and featured on Product Hunt
- Gratitude Path Podcast Interview
- Lifehacker: Can Technology Replace Missing Roles in Small Business?
- Startup Daily Profile, April, 2017
- Writally makes the Walkleys longlist in 2017 for our project which is aimed at improving the output and quality of independent journalism.
- The Growth Mentors blog post My $100,000 Mistake tells the story about how a Writally blog post recipe helped business mentor Kevin Gammie make significant ROI for him and his SME clients in just 28 days! He’s now turning that idea into a 6 Figure program.
- BusinessEdge Radio Show in Perth The Blog Post Recipe | Cas McCullough, Writally
- Issue 6 of features a lengthy interview about Content Marketing and Writally. Paid access only:
- The BlueChilli blog featured Writally in their Focus on Founders series:
- Rubbed the Wrong Way Podcast Interview
- HerBusiness featured Writally’s semi-final gong in the Creative3 Pitch comp:
- Content Marketing Institute announced winners and finalists in the 2016 Content Marketing Awards. I was a finalist in the blog/ad strategy category.
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland have featured Writally on their Collaborate website:
- I was mentioned in Webpro News for an opinion I shared about native advertising and content:
- Was asked to talk on a panel about blogging at the Networx Brisbane event on Blogging for Business:
- Writally was given a brief mention in this article about the Brisbane burgeoning startup scene in the Sydney Morning Herald:
Books I've featured in
- Quoted in: Cumulative Advantage, latest no. 1 bestseller by Mark Schaefer, 2021
- Featured as a character in What it feels like being born by Jodie Miller, 2020
- Your Brilliant Un-Career: Women, Entrepreneurship, and making the leap, Just One Thing Press, November 2014 (No. 1 bestseller at launch for Women and Business category with 800 downloads in 3 days)
- How to Create a Magnetic Marketing System (ebook), Business and Economics, Content Marketing and Small Business, Just One Thing Press, August 2013
- Expert contributor to A modern woman’s guide to a natural empowering birth by Katrina Zaslavsky
- Chapter in Birth Stories for the Soul: Tales from women, families and childbirth professionals, ed Denis Walsh and Sheena Byrom, 2009
Copywriting examples
- blog articles since December, 2021
- Yahoo Finance post (for Unido)
- Ag Daily post (for Civic Ledger)
- 180Selfcare website
- Robots4Good Founder’s Story, 2022
- AquaLAB Blog (all articles)
- The Firm website copy
- National Archives of Australia Digital Transformation Project
- Social Media Examiner Contributor
- Content Snare
- Mark Schaefer
- Mamamia
- Food Connect Shed Offer Document
Awards & Accolades
- Listed by Thinkers360 as a top 50 thought leader on the Future of Work, 2021 and 2022
- Listed by Thinkers360 as a top 50 thought leader on Diversity and Inclusion, 2022
- Lost 28 kg between 2018 and 2021 and reclaimed my health
- Awarded the Lord Mayor’s Entrepreneurship Grant (Brisbane), April 2019
- Selected for #Myriadair, 2018
- Selected to present at Commonwealth Games Trade 2018 event, 2018
- Awarded Digital Queensland Grant, November 2017
- Placed third, 2017 Anthill Smart 100 Index
- Shortlisted, Walkleys Innovation Grant, 2017
- Finalist, Content Marketing Awards for Best Ad and Blog Integration Strategy, 2016
- Won Suncorp Small Business Challenges Startup Competition sponsored by Suncorp, CCIQ, Bluechilli and Microsoft, 2016
- Anthill Cool Company Awards Top 100, 2014
- Listed at no 58 in the top 90 socially shared content marketing blog posts in the world, July 2014
- Finalist – Marketing Profs Bright Bulb Awards, 2013
- Finalist – Sue Wickenden Entrepreneurial Award, Women in Technology, 2013 and 2014
- Shortlisted as one of the top 25 Small Business Bloggers in Australia, Telstra Smarter Business Awards, 2013
- Shortlisted as one of the top 24 social media bloggers in the world in the 2013 Social Media Examiner Top 10 Blog Competition